About Kary

I’m an Anglo-American artist living in the south of France, producing paintings and screen prints inspired by my rural surroundings.

Screen printing has been my preferred medium and translates the pure lines and silhouettes of the natural elements and portraits I love to depict. My influences are Art Nouveau artists, childhood fairy tales, myths and legends, with a curiosity of symbolism from different cultures. Strong female characters are also a common subject.

A keen hiker, lover of the outdoors, I enjoy incorporating finds from my walks into my pieces, each season bringing new elements. Positivity and growth are also a common theme in my work.

With a background studying mural art in Paris, in frescos and mosaics, as well as in design and illustration, I like to create artwork on a large to small scale.

To find out more about my process and influences follow me here on Instagram or get in touch through my contact page here