Limited edition prints

The Girls

Inspired by my collection of old photos from the 1920s, from observation, and my love of pattern. From mythical ladies such as Lilith, to gossiping party girls, my prints are influenced by strong female characters.

Black & White

A series of monochromatic screen prints, generated by a stream-of-conciousness doodling experience.

Fauna & Flora

Inspired by the walks in the Sussex countryside, filigree patterns, and a love of doodling until the wee hours of the night. In this series I used metallic pigments which reflect the light and colours surrounding it – not unlike the changes in scenery when the weather changes.

Seven Sins

A series of limited edition screenprints with a contemporary take on the Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed/Avarice, Sloth/Laziness, Wrath/Anger, Envy/Jealousy and Vanity/Pride. The concept of Seven Deadly Sins have long been a source of inspiration for writers and artists, with different interpretations of this theme. Here, in a series of female portraits, I have tried to juxtapose beauty and vice.